PBI Honduras Bulletins

PBI Honduras Bulletin 03.

Two years have already passed since the arrival of the first PBI team in Honduras and this is the third edition of our annual newsletter. In this edition we have compiled some issues related to human rights that have marked the year 2015.

PBI Honduras Bulletin 03. (pdf 12.9 MB)


PBI Honduras Bulletin 02.

We end 2014 with bleak figures for the human rights situation in Honduras. This makes the presence of the international community more important than ever to ensure respect for international human rights conventions.

PBI Honduras Bulletin 02. (pdf 7.9 MB)


PBI Honduras Bulletin 01.

After nearly a year since our accompaniment project was opened in this Central American country, we bring you this publication, as part of our international information work.

PBI Honduras Bulletin 01. (pdf 2.2 MB)